What Makes a Pet an Exotic Pet?

Exotic pets are any animal meant to be companions, except domestic dogs, cats, or farm animals. While many exotic animals may be suitable, low-risk and economic pets, others are not, and instead, they can be enjoyed from afar in nature or in a zoo. The term 'exotic' often refers to a species that is not native or indigenous to the owner's location, and the pet is a companion animal that lives with people. However, many use the term to also include native species - exotic pets can be any animal that is not normally raised, but that can be domesticated and maintained by its owner.

It can range from something as simple as a tarantula to something as complex as an alligator crocodile that requires permission to own. You might be tempted to have an exotic pet after seeing a cute photo or video on social media. Before having a pet, it's important to know that you can properly maintain the animal for its entire life and that you can get it from a trusted breeder or seller who can prove that it comes from a legal source. While most animals are sold as pets in the U.

S., some live animals are still imported from the wild for sale. The Exotic Pet Guide is here to help you consider what having the animal might mean for you and your pet before making that decision. What is considered an exotic pet depends on the context, but there is a broad consensus that anything other than a pet can be considered exotic. Some exotic animals have complex behavioral, emotional, social and nutritional needs that are difficult and expensive to meet in a typical household or without specialized veterinary care.

Despite this, some exotic pets are dangerous wild animals and can be very harmful to people, the environment, or both. Cockatoos are suitable pets if they are well cared for, but you should learn more before deciding if they are a suitable pet for you. Make sure you can properly house your pet so it can't escape, and that you can provide shelter and care for it throughout its life, no matter how big it grows and what its living needs are. Giant African land snails are a good example of a type of exotic pet that is dangerous both to people (due to the types of diseases they can transmit) and to the environment, and are therefore illegal to keep in the United States.

Therefore, it is important for anyone interested in having an animal that can be classified as exotic to confirm which nearby veterinarians are willing to treat the type of exotic pet they want. A pet raised in captivity in an accredited facility is the safest option when it comes to issues of conservation, health and security. However, since they are not wild animals, they lack the wild instincts of some exotic animals that can cause injury to humans. In addition, non-profit organizations around the world have been trying to end the trade in exotic pets by educating people about the dangers of keeping these animals.

The potential risks and challenges of owning a pet vary depending on the animal's experience, location, and origin. However, some species are known to carry fatal zoonotic diseases and, for this reason, they may not be suitable pets regardless of where they were born and raised. Conservationists often see captive breeding as a way to save wild animals from poaching for the pet trade, and many countries allow the export of animals raised in captivity as long as appropriate legal documents are obtained. Sourcing animals for the pet trade is a complicated issue: they can be harvested directly from the wild, raised in “livestock facilities” or raised in captivity.

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