Are Exotic Animals Low Maintenance? A Comprehensive Guide

In fact, exotic pets tend to misrepresent themselves and say that they require little maintenance or are easy to care for. In reality, caring for exotic pets can be extremely complicated. With routine veterinary care, a nutrient-rich diet, a nurturing environment and lots of love, an exotic pet can enjoy a happy and healthy life. Similarly, ferrets, sugar gliders and hedgehogs are illegal in California.

You won't be disappointed with the fennec fox as an exotic animal. These foxes are small, which is equivalent to a chihuahua dog once they are fully grown. These foxes are hard to come by and can be expensive, but as demand increases, they will become more available and will be much less expensive. Cappinchos are the kindest animals you've ever had known. Rodents, very gregarious and colossal, consistently rank first in the rankings of the most pleasant animals. However, they are difficult to keep as pets.

Carpinchos require a lot of space, as well as a pool. You can't have a single capybara either, because they are always sociable. Axolotls are fantastic pets for beginners because they are easy to handle and can live in a tank as small as 10 gallons, however, a larger tank is preferable. Due to their dirty nature, they thrive in fresh water and require a robust and strong filter. It might surprise you to learn that cockroaches make great exotic pets.

You can handle them quite easily, even if it's not a pet you'd like to be friends with. Depending on the species they are, you may need authorization from your government's department of agriculture. They are considered invasive species; therefore, their transport between states is strictly controlled. The Degus looks like a mix between a hamster and a guinea pig in appearance. They are very social animals that require the company of at least one other degu to be happy.

They can live in the same style as ferrets or cage-like rats and use similar toys and gadgets to play. They are dust-bathed in the same way that chinchillas do. On the other hand, male degús fight, so it is advisable to keep same-sex degús separately. Sugar gliders are small marsupials that live in trees. They have thin skin membranes on both edges of their bodies, similar to those of a flying squirrel, which help them take off to a greater height and fly to a new place.

Sugar gliders are quite loud pets, but they're small and thrive in company, making them incredibly affectionate. Olfactory glands are routinely removed from domestic skunks and are not sprayed in their homes. Additionally, skunk pets are only allowed in 17 states in the United States. The hyacinth macaw is an impressive parrot that would make a wonderful companion in the right environment. These birds require extensive confinement, as well as regular interaction with their masters. They're brilliant, but when they're anxious or alone, they can be obnoxious.

They can also live for approximately 60 years, so you'll need to prepare for the chance that they'll survive you. Geckos are exotic reptiles with various shades and patterns due to their distinctive spotted appearance and friendly behavior. Geckos are great pets for small spaces, as they can thrive in tanks as small as 10 gallons; however, larger tanks of about 20 gallons are preferred. They don't require a large aquarium; a 15 to 20 gallon tank with a sandy substrate and enough pebbles and debris to walk around would suffice. If you have a Halloween moon crab, you'll need at least two, as they're sociable, although you should keep them in different tanks in case they come up fight.

An exotic pet is an animal that is not usually found in homes as a companion animal, such as a dog or a cat. Examples of exotic pets include reptiles, birds, small mammals, fish and invertebrates. Exotic pets can be fun but like dogs and cats they also require a lot of care. Before you decide to buy an exotic pet do your research and make sure you're ready to meet their needs.

Exotic animals are creatures that are relatively uncommon or rare to keep or are often considered wild creatures rather than pets. And while some exotic pets such as monkeys or llamas require a lot of maintenance there are many animals that don't look exotic but still technically qualify such as several birds and fish that don't require much upkeep. Hedgehogs by far are the easiest exotic animal to care for and ideal for someone who wants to have a pet but doesn't have much time or resources to dedicate their care and attention.

An F3

, which is a middle ground between domesticated animals and wild ones usually have the fun and excitable personality of normal canine but with all the exotic physical characteristics of a Serval.

Rats, despite their reputation in movies make great pets because they're intelligent social animals that don't require much upkeep when it comes to food since there's easy professionally made pet food available for cats dogs and birds.

Small mammals

, such as sugar gliders or degus make great exotic pets because they're small don't require much space yet still have all the gentle tendencies of domestic cats.


, large cats wild dogs and other exotic animals should not be adopted without thinking too much about what it would take to raise an undomesticated animal.

Halloween moon crabs

, while cute should always be kept in pairs since they're sociable animals yet should also be kept separately so they don't fight each other.

Hyacinth macaws, while impressive parrots require extensive confinement along with regular interaction with their masters otherwise they become obnoxious when anxious or alone.


, while great for small spaces still need tanks of at least 10 gallons with sandy substrate pebbles debris so they can walk around comfortably. Sure exotic animals, while cute require more effort than domesticated ones when it comes to food space upkeep etc., but if done right can make great companions for those who want something different than cats or dogs.

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