What is an Exotic Pet? A Comprehensive Guide

Exotic pets can be any animal that is not commonly kept, but that can be tamed and maintained by an owner. It can be as simple as a tarantula or as complex as an alligator that requires a permit to be an owner. In a nutshell, you can easily get a lot of different exotic pets if someone is looking for them. An exotic pet is a pet that is relatively rare or unusual to keep, or that is generally considered a wild species rather than a domesticated pet.

The definition of an exotic pet varies by culture, location, and over time, as animals become firmly established in the world of animal fantasy, they may no longer be considered exotic. Not all of them become exotic pets: some are eaten, displayed or used to make clothes, but the huge market for exotic pets helps keep demand high. On top of that, many exotic pets, such as reptiles and parrots, live longer compared to dogs or cats. The USDA issues permits to keep and breed certain exotic species, whether caught in the wild or maids.

Sometimes, any unique or wild-looking pet (including common domestic animals such as the ferret and the rat) is considered an exotic pet. Keeping wild or exotic animals as pets often results in a tragedy for the animals and a negative experience for the owners. A wild or exotic animal raised with humans is not domesticated, but simply a wild animal that is more used to humans and is possibly considered “tame”. However, even if it is legal to have an exotic animal, many of these animals come to homes through illegal trade.

For example, a hedgehog in the United States would be considered an exotic animal, but in the hedgehog's home country, it would be considered wild. Many people mistakenly think that wild and exotic animals in captivity are domesticated when considered to be tame. IFAW's work focuses on exotic pet species that were illegally traded, could transmit diseases to other animals or to humans, are likely to enjoy poor welfare in captivity, are of conservation concern or pose a risk to human safety. Wild animals are native, non-domesticated creatures that live freely in the wild and are native to the country in which Do you live.

There are other important distinctions to be made between wild animals, exotic animals, and non-traditional pets. For many of the larger wild or exotic species, the cost of feed, veterinary care, handling equipment and confinement facilities can be prohibitive. The definition is evolving; fish, rabbits, and some rodents and birds have become sufficiently established in the world of animal fantasy to stop considering them exotic. The words “exotic” and “wild” are often used interchangeably, and most people don't understand how these categories differ when it comes to of pets.

An exotic animal is one that is wild but comes from a different continent than the one you live in.

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